
Well… we’re gonna try it…

I’ve pretty much canceled everything this year. I mean, everything.

But one of my kiddos went back to in-person school, and so far, so good. *fingers crossed so hard I might break them*

So, now it’s time for the next big thing.

I’m going to Dragon Con.

Thankfully, they have set the requirement of masks and vaccination/negative test to attend. There are less people. These are all good things.

Here’s my schedule. If you’re there, I’d love to see you and give you a fist bump and an air hug as we talk nerdy.

T-minus 24 hours…

Dragon Con, if you’ve seen any of my social media this week, starts on Thursday. I’m really excited because I have a fantastic schedule, and great panels, and I’m bringing all my new books. So there’s a lot of fab going on.

What also is fab is that I finished my third book for the month this past weekend. I’ve been really working on productivity, and after I wrote the Epilogue, and sniffled a little (it was for my pen name in one of her romance series), I realized, WHOA. This is number three. I started Number Four yesterday.

I’m going to take it to Dragon Con because I’m so excited to be back in this world again. Will I get anything done? I’m going to try. I feel so much better with steady, continued productivity, and it keeps me from those mad days when I have to write thousands of words to get something to the editor on time.

So what’s coming for the fall? That’s the important thing.

Well, books 2 of Deadwood and Mostly Open. Those are already cookin’. Then I have a surprise for you all in November. This was totally not in my plans, but something spurred me into action, and so I have something new planned.

There’s a Midnight Coven project happening in October, and I should have some fun news for you around that time as well. Then we move along into November, and I’m going to be at Reno Pop Culture Con. That should be fun. The Pop Culture Con folks put on a really good show, and I’m looking forward to it.

I have more coming during the winter, but I’m not even going to offer you a teaser on that one. Not yet, LOL. You just have to wait.

So I’m off to Dragon Con tomorrow, and if you’re interested, stay tuned via my social media for all the pics. The costuming is like nothing else you’ve ever seen!


Post Comic Con blues…

Well, here it is Thursday. A week ago this time, I was finishing up with my set up for Denver Comic Con 2018. I got up at the crack of dawn and hurried over to the Convention Center so I could meet my partners and get things going.

Today, I rolled out of bed at 9 am. Practically decadence.

I love cons. All cons. No matter whether I work at them, attend them, or help with them. There’s an energy, a vibe–at any and all cons I’ve ever been to.

This year, Denver Comic Con was one of the best.

What made it different, and better? I had the same two partners-in-crime, Shawn Harper and Corinne O’Flynn. We work extremely well together, and they are fun to be with. We all had more books. There was more to talk about, to share.

But the people at Con made all the difference. The fans I got to meet, or see again, and talk books with. There is nothing like talking the intricacies of plot with a fellow reader. The other authors I was able to chat with about new releases, marketing, the latest on-dit in the indie world. Trends, things we’re noticing…it was fantastic. Being on panels and discussing not only the ins and outs of being an author, but things I am a fan of as well – the Outlander panel, the Wynonna panel,  and the fan fiction panel were probably my faves because of the audience participation. I love being around other fans.

And I love working a table on the exhibitor floor. I love the energy, people looking for something new, wanting to find a new world to dive into. As well as meeting up again with people who are already reading your work. In my case, I enjoyed meeting the fans of my partners’ work. When any one of the three of us succeeds, we all succeed.

The volunteer staff are some of the nicest people I’ve ever worked with. They are responsive, and, while this may seem trivial – they make sure you stay hydrated all weekend long. They were amazing.

But the thing I noticed most was that I was home. I was with my tribe. My tribe of fellow authors. My tribe of fellow readers. My tribe of fellow fans. (It is SO gratifying to continue to find Labyrinth fans. I just cannot describe the joy!)

When I made the decision to take on being an author as a career, I was scared to death. There were, back in 2013, lots of posts about ‘don’t quit your day job’ and other dire warnings. Not to mention the whole idea of finishing a book. I was updating my author CV this week, and I counted – I have authored 16 full-length novels and 4 novellas under 2 different names. The novellas are co-written, as are two of the novels.  I’ve got 2 novels in the works (that I am avoiding tasks on as I write this blog, LOL) for the next month, and my Wish List to write is never-ending.

I’m three years in, and I’m getting to the point where I don’t struggle so mightily with impostor syndrome. I feel like I can call myself an author, and not cringe, or hope that no one challenges me.  I finally feel as though I have a very good idea of what I need to do in order to get where I want to go. Trying to figure that out took…oh…a while.

Because being around all the people that I was lucky enough to be around this weekend has told me it’s all worth it. Every bit of it. This is the community where I want to hang my hat; this is the world I want to live in.

You know, if I can’t live in one of my imaginary worlds.

Thank you to everyone who made Comic Con the absolute best. It was amazing. I can’t wait to do it again.

April is here – what’s shakin’, bacon?

Lots. That’s what’s shakin’. Lots.

First, YAY! The entire Djinn Everlasting series is OUT! It’s complete! That means I have completed both of the series I wanted to within a year. The Realm and Djinn Everlasting are done. That doesn’t mean they’re gone – just that the series are complete.

How can I say that? Well, DRAGON LOST, the first book in the Dragon Thief series, launched at the end of March. It’s about Aodan George. He’s a thief. And a dragon. These two aspects present…challenges. In DRAGON LOST, you’ll see some familiar faces. Series may end, but that doesn’t mean characters go quietly into the night. Not mine, anyway.

DRAGON FOUND will be out in May, and the third book in June…just in time for Denver Comic Con!

That’s another YAY! I love the Denver Comic Con weekend and not only do I have a booth there with my awesome partners Corinne O’Flynn and Shawn Harper, I’m a guest and will be sharing knowledge on panels of some sort (more on that to come). At least, I hope to share knowledge. I’ll definitely fangirl with folks. There’s no question of that. So stay tuned for booth info, and panel info, and all the things.

Corinne and I will also have the second novel in our Aumahnee Prophecy series out for Denver Comic Con as well. Which is just as exciting as anything I’m writing solo.

The summer is two things – family, and writing. I have an ambitious schedule this year, and so far, I’ve hit my deadlines. It ramps up for me over the summer because while plotting the Dragon Thief books, I came up with another idea. There is NEVAH enough time for all the IDEAZ!!!! #writerslife

The summer wraps up with Dragon Con. I just got the word that I’m an attending professional again, and I am delighted! To be a guest at one of my favorite cons is such an amazing thing. I get to do it twice this year. Again, stay tuned for panels and info.

I’m leaving you all with the most amazing cover image for DRAGON LOST. Thank you to my friend CK Dawn for her amazing work with this. I could watch the wavy dragon for hours. It’s huge, I know – but boy is the whole thing gorgeous! Steve Novak did the cover, and Dean Samed and Daniel Gemsa were the photographer and model. One of the best things about being all in to my cover design is how I am able to pick the models, and work with the artists. It’s a wonderful thing.