This week, I wanted to talk to you about new projects. It’s been a while since I blogged, but 2021 is a new year, and it’s that time when we try and start new habits, right? LOL! Anyway, my thoughts today are about new genres. I started reading a genre called Paranormal Women’s Fiction (PWF) this year, and I. LOVE. IT. It focuses on older heroines, who have dealt with loss, divorce, and are middle-aged. And magic. As a woman is older, and middle-aged, and also working through a divorce, I can empathize. But what I love about all the books I’ve been reading is that the heroines are picking themselves up, dusting off the dirt, and giving the stink eye to all the things in the way. And barreling forward. Several Eminem lyrics come to mind here, but I try to keep the swears to a minimum here. Basically, these ladies, regardless of their pasts, have now shown up ready to kick some ass.
So. Be on the lookout. Next week, I’ll introduce you to Wynter Chastain, the heroine of the forthcoming Oracle of Wynter series. And have a look at the cover – isn’t it gorgeous??? Click the link and check it out!