
What’s cookin’, good lookin’?

That song is in my head. So now you get the benefit of my earworm.

How’s your summer going? Mine is good. I’m getting more writing done, even though my family insists on eating, being taken places, that sort of thing. It’s been a productive summer.

We’re headed to the last quarter of 2019. I had lots of goals when 2019 started. I was looking over them, and seeing what the lay of the land was in terms of whether or not I was going to meet said goals.

Here they are:

  1. 1.5 million words written.
  2. A book a month from both pen names.

So where am I on those?

Well, for number one, I think I’m going to hit it. it’s going to be close, but the burst of productivity this summer is helping.

As for the second goal, that didn’t happen. I didn’t publish anything as Lisa until May of this year. BUT – I have something from both Lisa and my active Pen Name from May until December. So that’s good.

Pen Name has, so far this year, published 10 books. There are potentially 3 more this year. That number is up in the air, because I work with other authors, and things change. I’m really pleased with the work I’ve done with Pen Name. It’s well-reviewed, and it’s earning its keep.

I’ve also found that writing regularly on schedule for Pen Name has really upped my game overall, even though it’s in a different genre than UF or PNR. And there’s more planned for Pen Name. I enjoy her thoroughly.

With the books I write under my name, I am really, really, really excited. Aumahnee will be finished this year, I think. The Deadwood Sisters and Mostly Open are off to a great start. I love both those stories! The paranormal romances I’m writing with The Midnight Coven are so, so much fun.

I’m also traveling more this year. In addition to Dragon Con (if you follow me anywhere else, be prepared, LOL. The memes are coming!), I’m going to be at Reno Pop Culture Con November 8 -10. It’s the same folks that put on the Denver Pop Culture Con show, and they are top notch.

So that’s where I sit at the moment. I also am caught up on my writing – and Immortal Darkness releases today, WOO HOO! – so I’ve had time to do some admin stuff I’ve been procrastinating on big time. Getting that done, getting the hang of how to make the tech I have work for me  is really empowering.

I’d just like to add that with Immortal Darkness live, I only have four pre-orders waiting in the wings. A year ago, that would have freaked me out. But now, I’m like, Yeah, I can do it. I have my fellow authors that I write with in my various collaborations to thank for that. If I didn’t have regular deadlines, and wasn’t all kinds of stressed out over not missing them because other people were involved, I would have dared to take on the projects I’m working on now.

And finally, one of the things that has changed for me is that I’m writing every day.  I have been making a point to write, even a small amount, daily, and now, I feel weird when I don’t. I think I might have hit habit stage. For me, that’s huge. It’s taken 4 years to get here.

Takeaway from this long ass post? Make friends. Don’t be a jerk, so you can make friends. Make friends to actually make friends, not so they can help you. Choose your friends wisely, but don’t discount someone just because… insert reasons here (outside of, you know, the standards – cruelty, kicking dogs, being a jerk – you know). Your author tribe will be the best tribe ever.

And write every day. Keep a word doc open so all you have to do is sit down and put hands on keyboard.

Thanks, if you’re still with me. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and be safe out there!

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