
Sassy Summer Celebration

This summer has flown by. And it’s done so on the mad wind of complete and utter fabulousness!

I attended Denver Comic Con this year, and what an amazing weekend that was. I love all my fellow nerds, and I had a great time introducing the world of the Goblin King and Brennan and Iris! I have to share this – this was the mic drop pic of Con.

Or maybe I’m just a crazed Deadpool fan.
Entirely possible.


Then it was off to UtopiaCon in Nashville.
Oh. My. God.
Spending an entire weekend with other bibliophiles – I could live with those people. People who love, and talk about, and focus on, books. It is indeed a tribe, and I am so thankful to have found them.

When I came back to Denver, I was so thrilled to be awarded the first ever Independent Writer of the Year award from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. They are my home writing group, so it’s doubly exciting. It is truly an statement from one’s peers, and that is just…wow.


To celebrate all the amazing things this summer, I’m doing a giveaway. To thank the people who believe in me and read the worlds I create.

Click here to enter the
Sassy Summer Celebration!

You’ll have the chance to win a Goblin King Gift Bag of Fabulousness, or a Brennan & Iris Infinity Wrap bracelet!


And for my local peeps, the indie authors of RMFW are having a party this month! So if you’re in Denver, come and join us! August 20th, 4-7 pm, at the Fiction Beer Company.

Good books, good people, good beer. What’s not to love???

RMFW 2016 Indie Author Summer Extravaganza



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