
Writing News…Sort of.

This has been one amazing week, from my POV as someone who wants to be a successful career writer. On a number of levels, but the one I wanted to share was the artistic side – and NOT my own. My covers.

I am SO fortunate that my first cover was done by Karri Klawiter (you can find her at artbykarri.com). We had some scheduling conflicts, so I had to look for another artist. I was really nervous, because Karri got my vision. You don’t know how hard it can be until you have to describe the feeling you want with your book cover until you’re sitting there, staring at the screen, trying to decide what to say.

Anyway, I was on the hunt. I happened to be on Kboards, and I found a couple of other artists. I emailed a few, and the one I ended up working with was Aria from Resplendant Media. http://resplendentmedia.com Who knew? I am one of those lucky people, in this respect, where lightening strikes twice. Aria also gets my vision. She has created some amazing covers and I am so, so thrilled! Let me show you how lovely my ladies and gentleman are. I mean seriously, even my crazy Catrin is fab.

The top two – are out. Thea’s Tale is free for a few more days, and Casimir’s Journey is on pre-order. One Night At The Ball will be released shortly. Catrin’s Grimoire is coming in November.

When you find someone that hears your voice, and can make your voice into a visual, it’s like a dream come true. And for me, it’s happened twice. I am a lucky, lucky lady.



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