Thea’s Tale went live on Tuesday. It’s been a great week. It’s getting a little traction. A couple of reviews, some borrows,some sales. I’m pleased. It’s staying in the top 100 for my genre, and in the Hot New Release section for my genre. All of that is fantastic.
So I’m browsing around Kboards today, and I come upon a thread that makes me go to Google, and see what I find.
What do I find? Evidence of the same thing the author of the thread was discussing. My book had been pirated.
In all honesty, I don’t know what to do. I want to be outraged, and in way, I am. At the same time, I know it’s part of digital publishing.
I think it’s a measure of how much I’ve read about this that my first thought, upon seeing the page with my work on there (other than, How in the hell did they get an audio book download? I haven’t done anything near audio yet!) was…Well, wow. There are reviews.
Wish they’d post them on Amazon. So I am posting them here.
Surprise! I actually like this.
OH MY GOD! This has got to be one of…if not the best book I have ever read. It was written so well, and the characters were all amazing.
I left a comment….let’s see if it actually gets published. The comment is awaiting moderation.